We reserve the right to terminate any account that is causing harm in any way to the We want a new experience for the Users of this Website.
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If you don’t have anything nice to write, please refrain from writing anything, as social media is full of negative comments, politics, and news. Please keep all posts, and topics, positive for the enjoyment of the event, you, your friends, and to the respect of all of the other Users. This a Positive Safe Place for like-minded Friends to talk about meeting up at, or during events, parties, and theme nights. This is an Event Network, not a Social Network.

No Photo Filters – You should look like you look in person. Please report anything suspicious, as want to keep all Users safe. We ask all (“Network of Users”) to immediately report any fake, or fraudulent Users on the Website. This Network, Website, Resort, and its Owners, Partners and Developers are not responsible if a User in the (“Network of Users”) provides a fake, or fraudulent identification, to obtain a Validation. If it is a Couple do not accept, or send, a Friend Request if you have not personally met both Users in that couple. Do not accept, or send, a Friend Request to any User that you have not met in person. If a Couple, both Users must be ID Validated in person the same time. When you join this (“Network of Users”) your User account must match your State Issued ID. (“Network of Users”) (“User(s)”) Users of this Network have been ID Validated in person to be 21+.