My question is not so much where to find it, but if any part of the story brings you close to it. The location that I take you to will be at a. subnautica subnauticabelowzero belowzero belowzerotutorialsWHERE TO FIND SPIRAL. Subnautica: Below Zero's Spiral Plant can be used to create Synthetic Fiber, which in turn is an important material in certain useful upgrades. Hint on spiral plant clippings (No spoilers, please) Before I totally give up and look it up, I wanted to ask for a hint. In this Subnautica Below Zero guide, I will be showing you where to find Spiral Plant Cuttings from spiral plants from your starting pod. The ability to go deeper in the Seatruck or create drinkable water for long journeys away from base can be invaluable as players progress further in Subnautica: Below Zero's story, so it is well worth the effort. Subnautica Spiral Plant ClippingTree Spires is a Biome in Subnautica.
Finally, Synthetic Fiber is also used to upgrade the maximum depth of both the Prawn Suit and the Seatruck alongside some other resources.Īlthough Spiral Plant Clippings can be challenging to find at first, once players know a good location for them they can use a beacon to mark that spot. The Stillsuit creates drinkable water for the player every so often, and the Reinforced Divesuit halves the damage players take from attacks. That said, this resource is used in two very important creations, the Stillsuit and the Reinforced Divesuit. The Spiral Plant Clippings themselves are only used in a single recipe, the creation of Synthetic Fiber.
RELATED: Subnautica: Below Zero - How to Get More Oxygen Subnautica: Below Zero - How to Get Spiral Plant Clippings Harvesting the clippings from a Spiral Plant requires a tool, meaning players can't just pick fit up like they do with other resources. For starters, the Spiral Plant itself can be difficult to find at first, but even after players find it they may run into an issue. Gathering Spiral Plant Clippings in Subnautica: Below Zerois difficult in two ways. Recipe Obtained From Spiral Plant Seatruck Depth Upgrade MK2 Reinforced. Nevertheless, Spiral Plant Clippings are used to create Synthetic Fiber, and players are going to need quite a bit of that. Here you can see Mercury 2 ship gameplay of Subnautica Below Zero and all the. Planet 4546B is about as alien as they come, and without a thorough understanding of its different biomes and the game's map, it can be difficult to track these things down. While most materials may seem like they come from obvious sources (Spiral Plant Clippings come from Spiral Plants for example), it isn't always obvious where to find the base material.

Crafting is the primary way that player will continue to advance in Subnautica: Below Zero, and as such gathering materials is a huge part of the game.