In "modern FPS", monsters "can't find you" when in notarget mode. While active, monsters will not target you unless you hurt them first. This is similar to the noclip command above, except it also toggles the NOGRAVITY flag on and gives the ability to fly through 3D floors. This can be useful for passing through locked doors or quickly accessing later parts of a map. Basically your horizontal movement will never be restricted. With this mode, you can walk through walls and solid actors, and are able to step up by an infinite amount. This will only work if the target class is inherited from PlayerPawn, and you are not in a state that cannot otherwise morph (i.e. Additionally, if "class" is specified, it will attempt to morph you into the supplied class. Transforms you into a chicken in Heretic and a pig in Hexen and Doom (The latter only happens if you have the relevant graphics present). The same as god, except it also gives you 100 health. Similar to god above, except that the player is given absolute invulnerability nothing can damage them, not even telefrag. While active, you cannot be hurt by normal attacks (although some things such as telefragging will still kill you). Toggles God (Degreelessness) mode on/off. Use the command dumpclasses inventory for a complete list of these. It also understands the names of individual inventory items.keys - gives you every key that is assigned to a lock.backpack - gives you a backpack in Doom, a bag of holding in Heretic and Hexen, and an ammo satchel in Strife.everything - gives you everything, including weapons flagged with WEAPON.CHEATNOTWEAPON.Give understands the following special items: Use this command once to freeze gameplay (while still allowing you to move around). The command cannot drop more than what is available in the inventory. amount specifies the number of samples the dropped item contains. Items with the INVENTORY.UNDROPPABLE or INVENTORY.UNTOSSABLE flags cannot be dropped. Similar to buddha above, except that absolutely nothing can take away that one hit point, not even telefrag.ĭrops the given item, if there is at least that much in the player's inventory. This is a more useful cheat than god mode for testing monsters or levels. Gives you an indestructible hit point: no normal attack can remove that last hit point from you (certain death effects such as telefragging will still kill you). Scared monsters will run away from you and attack less frequently. These commands can allow the player to gain abilities or items they wouldn't normally have, or access areas of the map more quickly or by a different route than intended.